Psychology Learning Tables | 9

It’s been a while (or 4 long years if you’ve been counting) since I posted the most recent set of Psychology Learning Tables / Knowledge Organisers in this series and for some reason I decided it was time to add some more.

What can I say?

I’ve been busy.

If you missed the previous Organisers (lovingly alphabetised A-to-O) you can check them out here. As with the new(er) set below, there’s a mix of styles on display, probably because they’re drawn from different sources and authors.

I’m guessing a little here because it’s been so long since I first found them and I’ve only given them a cursory look.

I obviously haven’t checked the organisers for accuracy because that would be both responsible and too much like hard work. I’ll leave both to you because I trust you to do the right thing (and, frankly, I’ve got films I should really be editing).

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