Sociology OER PowerPoints

If you’re interested in free textbooks – of either the Sociology or Psychology variety – you may well have come across the Openstax Introduction to

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Podcasts with Pictures: Learning Academy

Another in the “Podcasts with Pictures” series designed to bring to your attention video materials you or your students might find useful. In this instance

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Origins of Sociology: PowerPoint

This new PowerPoint Presentation introduces students to some (okay, 9) of Sociology’s founders, from the Big Three of Marx, Durkheim and Weber to lesser-known, but

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GCSE Sociology: Terms and Concepts Visualised

Free online Introductory Sociology Flipbook aimed at GCSE students. As you may be aware – I may have mentioned it once or twice – I

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Collections 4 | Introductory Sociology

The 4th set of Collections covers Introductory Sociology stuff such as culture, identity, socialisation and perspectives.

Although, when all’s-said-and-done it’s just a handy list of posts overing blog material from the past 10 years it’s quite nice to have it all in one place.

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Sociology and Sociological Perspectives

This series of short films, produced by Dallas Telelearning around 10 years ago, provides an introduction to both Sociology (it’s European and America development) and sociological perspectives: functionalism, conflict theory, interactionism and feminism. Although the production and focus generally means the world is seen through American eyes ­ -and some of the illustrative material focused on American politics and culture of the 80’s and 90’s probably won’t mean much to contemporary European audiences – it shouldn’t be difficult for Non-US teachers to focus the theoretical content on things that will resonate more with their particular students.

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Sociology Shortcuts Magazine No.3: The Intro Issue

Issue 3 of Sociology Shortcuts Magazine arrives just-in-time for the start of the new school year, which is just as well because the Intro Issue

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Five Functions of Identity

A great deal of discussion about identity in a-level Sociology can be fairly abstract and concerned with the mechanics of construction: how and why, for

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Countdown to Culture

It’s a strange-but-true factette that in the 8 years – and nearly 800 posts – this blog has been active one post has stood head-and-shoulders

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Foucault and Introducing Sociology?

I always found giving students an “Introduction to Sociology” – whether as part of a recruitment or induction process, first lesson or whatever – something

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