At the start of a New Academic Year I thought it might be useful to bring together all the Introductory Sociology stuff I’ve created and posted over the past 10 years.
As you’ll understand if you have a look at the range of resources I’ve interpreted “Introductory” fairly widely – from pretty basic stuff around What Is Sociology? to a variety of different materials covering socialisation, culture and identity at different levels and a few bits-and-bobs around sociological perspectives.
If you’ve followed the Blog for any length of time you’ll probably be aware it’s a serendipitous mix of resources aimed at both teachers (such as lesson ideas) and students (mainly Notes, although there are a few other resources you might like to check out) and this Collection is no different.
So be aware that while there’s probably something here you’re going to find life changing vaguely useful, you may have to sift through stuff that’s not just to find it.
The Collection
Choose Sociology: What is Sociology? and What Can You Do With It? Are two questions that are sort-of answered by this resource – although it’s really an extended riff on the idea that sociological skills are now in more demand then ever in what we laughingly call “the real world”.
Foucault and Introducing Sociology: If you fancy getting your new students to think about What Is Sociology? as something other than “the science of society”, here’s something different to try. And although it mentions Foucault, it’s in a Good Way (and not the mind-bendingly Difficult Way).

Sociology Shortcuts Magazine No.3: The Intro Issue: Designed as a 40-page Introduction to Sociology Flipbook Magazine (a pdf version is also available), this uses a series of short articles to introduce students to a range of topics relating to culture, identity and socialisation.
Introducing Sociology: Core Concepts: Simple PowerPoint introduction to concepts of Culture, Identity and Socialisation.
Year 12 Sociology: Includes a general introduction to the Nature / Nurture debate, concepts of culture and various broad sociological perspectives.
Video as a visual dimension for teaching about norms: Introducing the concept of norms through a range of breeching experiments (or “gentle pranks” as they’re known on YouTube).
Doing Nothing as Deviance: If you’re looking for a more hands-on way to introduce students to the concept of norms – and what happens when you break them – get them to “Do Nothing”. This has the added bonus of you not having to teach anything for at least 30 minutes. While still getting paid!
Seven Sims in Seven Days – Day 1: The Urinal Game: Another norm-breaking sim.
Setting Sociological Ground Rules: Get your students to set some classroom rules while teaching them about norms and other stuff.
Sociology Transition Materials: Although these materials are aimed at transitioning students from GCSE to A-level there’s a range of Introductory resources you might find useful.
More Sociology Summer Transition Resources: More of the same. But different.
Sociology and Sociological Perspectives: Short films introducing stuff like Functionalism, Feminism and the like.
Sociology Lesson Elements: Teaching and learning activities from the OCR Exam Board.
More A-level Sociology PLC’s: A range of Personal Learning Checklists, some of which are built around concepts of culture and identity.
More Sociology Knowledge Organisers: A couple of Introductory Sociology organisers focused on Perspectives and Culture.
A Few More Sociology Knowledge Organisers: As above, a couple more Introductory Organisers.
The Formation of Culture: Complete textbook chapter on Culture and Socialisation. So good I wish I’d written it. Oh, hang on. I actually did.
Culture and Identity PowerPoints: A set of 18 PowerPoints covering all aspects of Introductory Sociology.
Seven Functions of Culture: The most popular post on the web site. Who knows why? It’s a list of 7 Functions of Culture (although you probably guessed that).
Countdown to Culture: The film of the List. For those who prefer their Functions of Culture in a more-visual format. Plus you get a bonus 3 extra functions for free.
Culture and Identity: Knowledge Organiser style docs covering culture and socialisation.
Culture and Identity Revision: Range of booklets covering culture, identity and socialisation. Plus The Self, for some reason.
Class, Consumption and Taste Cultures: Simple introduction to the concept of taste cultures.
Globalisation, Culture and Identity: Old HSBC adverts highlighting cultural differences around the globe.
Global Culture: Teaching notes on Global Culture (Coco-colonisation, McDonaldisation etc.)
Global Culture 3 Views: PowerPoint highlighting three different perspectives on Global Culture.
When Did Girls Start Wearing Pink?: An illustration of cultural change.
Class identities and Class Niches: Short article on snobbery and “the myth of classlessness”.
Five Methods of Socialisation: PowerPoint covering 5 methods of socialisation (Selective exposure, Identification, Modelling, Sanctions and Nurturance in case you were wondering).
Methods of (Gender) Socialisation: A Knowledge Organiser version of the above.

Agencies of Socialisation: PowerPoint covering roles, norms, values and sanctions.
Theories of Self and Identity: PowerPoint covering perspectives on The Self and identity (Functionalist, Marxist and Interpretivist).
Mapping Gender Identities: An attempt to map different gender identities…
Raised Without Gender: A short film about gender neutrality.
Introduction to A-Level Sociology: Cultural Differences: Notes and tasks on areas like the Sociological Imagination, Identity, Nature and Nurture and Shirbit Culture.
Five Functions of Identity: What has Identity ever done for you?
Middle Class Identities | 1 Occupational Identities: PowerPoint that identifies a number of occupational identities that contribute to the shaping of middle class identities:
Middle Class Identities | 2 Cultural Identities: As above, but in relation to cultural identities. Obviously.
Socialisation and Identity: A complete textbook chapter what I writ about socialisation and identity.
The Process of Socialisation: Another complete textbook chapter written by me. Only this time it’s all about the socialisation.
Identity: Sometimes it’s useful to understand the distinction between personal and social identities. This is one of those times.
Interactionist Sociology: A short film about social constructionism.
Sociology Flipbooks: Online Magazine-style books, some of which relate to things like culture and identity.
Manification and Mentrification: A couple of culture-related ideas that may or may not add to the sum of human knowledge.
Sociology and You: Supporting Materials: PowerPoint support materials for the equally-free Sociology and You textbook.
Sociological Theories And Frameworks: A bite-sized run-down of a range of sociological perspectives and theories.
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