This set of resources from the OCR Exam Board is, as you might expect, designed to support teaching and learning for their A-Level Specification. While some of the resources may fall outside the remit of other Sociology Specifications this isn’t to say that teachers of the latter won’t, with a little bit of judicious editing, be able to adapt stuff here to their own particular teaching needs.
Lesson elements are, by-and-large, teaching and learning activities presented in two forms:
- PowerPoint Presentations designed for whole class consumption.
- Word documents designed for individual and small-group work (most have accompanying teacher instructions packs that include model activity answers).
As far as I’ve been able to find – and believe me I’ve been led a merry dance around the Internet trying to collect these resources before eventually finding most of them in various nooks and crannies on the OCR site – the Elements only cover two areas of the Spec.
1. Introducing socialisation, culture and identity covers some basic Introductory ideas and concepts taught by all sociology teachers at the start of a course.
2. Globalisation and the digital social world covers various aspects of globalisation as it relates to areas like social media, social inequality and education. While I think this is pretty-much an OCR-specific Module there are elements here that teachers of other Specs. will find useful.
As far as I can tell (and, as noted above, I’ve really tried to find out) these are the only two Lesson Elements that have been created. If you know otherwise, I’d be grateful to be pointed in their direction. It may be that these were intended to be some sort of “starter resource” for teachers and no others were produced.
Although when I’ve looked at the Psychology Lesson Elements available there seem to be roughly 3 times more.
Not that I’ve actually counted them.
That would be a little sad.
Perhaps they just ran out of money, time, patience, interest or whatever (please delete or add-to as you see fit) when it came to Sociology?
Either way, there are some interesting resources here that you might want to examine:
Introducing socialisation, culture and identity
Culture, norms and values teacher instructions and answers pdf
Culture, norms and values activities document
Culture, norms and values PowerPoint
Norms and values activity document
Norms and values teacher instructions pdf
Different types of culture and cultural hybridity document
Different types of culture and cultural hybridity teacher instructions pdf
Different types of culture and cultural hybridity PowerPoint Presentation
Identity and hybrid identity activities document
Identity and hybrid identity teacher instructions pdf
Identity and hybrid identity PowerPoint presentation
Globalisation and the digital social world
Globalisation and the digital social world PowerPoint Presentation
I have a sneaking suspicion (that I can’t be bothered to check) I might have previously posted this as part of a Globalisation and the Digital World Resource Pack.
The latter’s worth checking, however, if you’re in this market for some general globalisation / digital media resources. In addition, if you’re into classroom decoration (and who isn’t?) there’s a neat little poster you might want to add to your collection…
Social relationships and social media activity document
Social relationships and social media activity teacher instructions pdf
The impact of digital forms of communication on social inequality activity document
The impact of digital forms of communication on social inequality activity teacher instructions pdf