For some reason I seem to have collected quite a lot of crime and deviance resources that are just sitting-around taking up space on my hard drive when they could be doing something useful like helping students revise or teachers plan lessons.
And from this intro you’ll probably have guessed that what follows is an esoteric – not to say serendipitous – collection of resources (Presentations, Worksheets, Booklets – there’s even a Quiz in there somewhere) that I’ve bunged together under a general heading (“Resources!”) and posted on the web.
And because there’s quite a lot of stuff I’ve generally kept description to a minimum – partly because if something looks even vaguely interesting you can download it and assess it for yourself and partly because it’s a bit of a chore and I’m making the space to spend a bit of Quality Time with Teddy my dog.
So, in no particular order of quality or significance:
Marxism and Crime: PowerPoint and Worksheet covering four main ideas in relation to, you guessed it, Marxism and Crime (manipulation of values, law creation, law enforcement, individual motivations for crime. The Presentation includes 4 short YouTube videos designed to illustrate some common themes: Corporate crime, Environmental crime (Bhopal), Fraud and Power (Jimmy Saville).
A second Presentation on Traditional Marxism and Crime by what looks like the same author covers a lot of the same ground but with sufficient differences to make it worth posting as well. Whether this is an earlier version of the above I guess we may never know…
Crime and Deviance Revision Chart template covering various theories of crime. Although it’s aimed at GCSE students it’s easy enough to adapt to A-level.
Contemporary criminology: From realism to postmodernism: Simple, text-based, Presentation covering Left and Right Realism plus Actuarial approaches.

Postmodernity, crime and deviance: Short but informative document (text and pictures) that looks at some key concepts in postmodern approaches to understanding crime and deviance.
Sociology of Crime and Deviance: Relatively simple activity-based introduction to various aspects of crime and deviance (solutions to crime, crime patterns, explanations for crime based around categories like age and gender).
The Sociology of Youth: A similar format to the above (and presumably by the same author), this is an activity-based introduction to various aspects of youth (definitions, subcultures, etc.).
Crime Revision: Basic PowerPoint that covers various aspects of crime and deviance revision (perspectives for example) in a fairly rudimentary way (although the slides may just be set-up for general discussion purposes…). There’s also an accompanying Revision Booklet with simple revision tasks (mainly gap-fill exercises).
The Social Construction of Crime and Deviance: Extensive PowerPoint Presentation devoted to all-things-constructionist in the world of crime and deviance. Mostly Labelling Theory but with reference to other perspectives.
Globalisation and Crime: Nice-looking Presentation focused on 3 main areas: Gangs, Green Crime, State Crimes and Human Rights. Informative and to-the-point.
Ultimate Crime and Deviance Quiz: If you’re looking for a simple team-based quiz to lighten the revision process (either end-of-year or end-of-topic) this document might fit the bill. You may need to amend some of the questions to reflect your teaching but the format and structure make this relatively easy.
Social Class and Crime: PowerPoint Presentation that works as a complete lesson plan for understanding the relationship between class and crime.
Ethnicity and Crime: As above, and by the same author, a lesson plan Presentation focused on ethnicity and crime.
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