These resources were originally created and distributed as PowerPoints by Lizzie Read, but I’ve converted them to Pdf files. This format gives them a “Workbook” feel that, I think, works much more effectively if you want your students to work through the materials, either as an “online lockdown resource” or, when you’re able to get back into the classroom, as a general study resource.
The materials cover two broad aspects of the Family Spec.:
1. Diversity: There are two packs available, one for Teachers and one for Students.
They are basically the same with a few additions to the Teacher Pack:
There are very occasional references in the Pack to “textbook pages” that you may have to adapt to whatever text your students use. The files date from 2012 and while I think they refer to the Moore, Chapman, Aiken book “Sociology AS for OCR” (2nd edition, 2010)
I could be wrong. It might be the AQA version. (although it probably makes very little difference since they’re just about the same book – an early example of shovelware…).
If you want to work from the original PowerPoint Presentations – because you want to change the references, refer students to a different textbook etc. – this is the Teacher version and this is the Student version. The advantage here is that it gives you the option of making whatever changes you see fit and then saving the Presentation as a Pdf file.
2. Roles and Relationships: I haven’t been able to find a Teacher-version of this Pack, so you’ll have to make do with the Student version if you want to use it. It follows much the same formula as the Diversity Pack – stuff to read, questions to answer – and again has occasional “textbook” references. I’m pretty sure this is the one I’ve suggested (there’s a page scan included that more-or-less confirms it), but again since the topic area is a general one across most Specs. it shouldn’t be difficult to replace it if necessary.
As above, I’ve included a PowerPoint version of the materials if you want to make changes.