If you’ve bagged yourself a copy of the Sociology in Focus for AQA A2 textbook and you’re wondering what to do with it beside read it, help is at hand with the addition of the resources originally produced to complement and supplement the text.

These, in no particular order, consist of:
Overview Map: An introductory overview that maps the broad content in the book to each Unit in the Methodology Module.
Revision Maps: Complementing the introductory overview, these spider diagrams delve a bit deeper, mapping specific content to each Unit in the Module.
Activity Answers: One of the major features of the text is the activities / questions posed throughout and if you need suggested answers – to allow students to quickly check their learning, engage in a little peer review and marking or simply because it’s easier to mark student work when someone has already provided guideline answers – you’ll love this set of resources.
Although “love” might be too strong a word here.
“Be mildly interested in” might be a better way of putting it.

Worksheets: If you like to set your students little text-based tasks (individually and / or collectively) you might find these helpful as a way of checking learning or getting a discussion going. Each Unit has three types of question, each of which is designed to promote different types of responses:
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