While the Blog version of Risk Society is probably perfectly serviceable as far as it goes, I like to make different versions available when I can and in this respect I’ve put together a couple of alternatives that might be more to your taste.

You won’t believe it’s not a real magazine!
The first is a bog-standard pdf version that’s useful if you want to distribute the file offline to your students (or even random strangers you’ve met on social media. I have next to no idea about my potential audience).
The main advantage of this version, aside from the fact it doesn’t require an Internet connection, is that the formatting makes it slightly more accessible than the online WordPress Blog version.
I know I could format the WordPress version to look slightly prettier but it’s something of a faff and I really can’t be bothered don’t have the patience – or skills – to fiddle around with the basic format.
The second is a Flipbook version that’s just like reading an online magazine (no, really), in the sense that you can turn the pages if you want to (probably a good idea, all-things-considered).
I could try to convince you there are a whole bunch of tools available in this version (from searching and annotating the text to bookmarking and sharing) you may find helpful or useful.
But really it all comes down to the fact you can turn the pages.
Just like in a Real Magazine!
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