Young Sociologist of the Year 2022

An IPad Mini.
Actual Size.
I’m not really sure.
It looks quite small.

The British Sociological Association’s “Young Sociologist of the Year” competition is the catchy new 2022 title for what was previously the decidedly-less-catchy and not-particularly-well-known, “A Level Student Competition” (which it needs to be noted, is hardly surprising given the general “Meh-ness” of the old title).

While the two may or may not be connected this year’s prize consists of an iPad Mini for the successful student – who must be aged between 16 and 19 and studying A level, A/S level, Scottish Higher Level or equivalent post-16 qualifications in Sociology – and £500 for their school (which can presumably be any age they like).

As per usual, students can submit an essay, podcast or video to answer the question:

How can sociology help us understand the causes and/or consequences of war and conflict?“.

While the entry guidelines are suitably broad, they stipulate that entries:

  • should be based on reading sociological studies
  • should apply sociological knowledge learned during your studies
  • can include results obtained from your own research.
  • The latter can utilise any kind of research method (observations, interviews, a questionnaire-based study…), but I’ll be honest and say that I’ll be personally amazed if anyone did, particularly given the nature of the question.

    As you might expect, there are a few important things to note, not the least being the closing date: Tuesday, 1st November 2022 4pm.


  • Entries must be lone submissions: no collaborations allowed…
  • Written reports “must be 2,000 words (plus or minus 10%)”, excluding bibliography, figures, tables and the like
  • Video entries can’t be longer than 10 minutes
  • All work must be in English.
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