Over the past few weeks (months? I lose track) I’ve been assiduously assembling a series of mass media booklets from Notes that have been hanging around taking up space on a hard drive for the past few years. Where I’ve thought it necessary – either because I wanted to include some updated material or because a section had become a little outdated (mainly where statistical data was involved) – I’ve added some newer stuff. This gives the chapters a bit more contemporary relevance, particularly where it relates to the fast-moving world of new media, but the main objective here was simply to provide solid coverage of the general ideas and principles involved in studying the mass media.
Having posted the Notes as individual units (as pdf docs and online flipbooks) I thought it might be helpful to gather them together into a complete Mass Media chapter, again as both a pdf document and online flipbook.
I’m not sure why but it seemed like a good idea when I thought of – and actually did – it, so it seems like a waste of time and effort not to bung it online.
So there you have it.
The complete chapter has five main media sections, each of which are still available as individual pdf documents / flipbooks if you want to distribute them to your students in that way – and you can, as no-one ever says anymore, read all about ’em here:
Defining and Researching the Mass Media
The Ownership and Control Debate
The Selection and Presentation of News