Dynamic Learning is the series title for a new set films we’re currently developing and rolling-out related to the psychology of learning.
The films are designed to give students practical, science-based, advice about a wide range of study techniques – from how to take better notes to, as with this first film in series, how to develop positive study habits that enhance their learning.
Rather than mirror the didactic approaches taken by many previous study skills films, Dynamic Learning films are designed to be:
- informative – suggesting, for example, key study opportunities students might want to try that are backed by scientific research – and
- supportive: the focus is on how and why students might like to try different study techniques.
The first film in the series, The Power of Habits, is a case in point.
While there’s a lot of information swirling around about the study habits students should develop, from the best times to the best places to study, there’s significantly less information about how they can develop the good habits associated with achieving the best grades.
The Power of Habits fills this gap.
In a series of simple steps, this short film lets students in on some of the secrets of how to develop the kinds of positive study habits that bring long-term academic benefits.
Check-out the other films in the Dynamic Learning series:
Active Learning: Cornell Notes