Hot on the heels of the Education Questions Exam Pack comes another set of exam-style practice questions, this time for the AQA Family Unit.
According to the document metadata the pack was created by Miss K Elles and it contains a selection of practice questions based around the 5 different types of question students will encounter in the exam:
• Define
• Using one example, briefly explain
• Outline three
• Outline and explain two
• Applying material from item and your knowledge, evaluate.
You can download the pack in two formats:
1. As a Word file if you want to add, delete, copy or modify the different questions.
2. As a pdf file if you’re not particularly bothered about changing the document.
These questions relate to AS Sociology 7191/2: Paper 2 Research Methods and Topics in Sociology, not the “full A-level” Topics in Sociology Paper…