I’m reliably informed (although, after a moment’s reflection, find it hard to actually believe) that someone called Sheena Hutchinson (no, me neither) once said that “Life is all about choices”.

Which, all-things-considered, is one of the most profound things you’re ever likely to read (at least on this blog).
Or maybe not.
You pays your money…
And while few of these choices are as frighteningly-existential as that of “Daddy or Chips”, some come surprisingly close.
Or at least they do according to CGP Books, purveyors and retailers of revision texts on subjects as diverse as Sociology and Psychology (and, as I’m contractually-obliged to say, “Other subjects”. But, honestly, why bother?).
For CGP, apparently, as a student nearing the end of your course, “You have two options in life and two options only”:
a. Exams?
b. Demon Fighting?
And, given their reputation for selling an attractive range of reasonably-priced revision products*, who am I – or indeed you – to argue?
As you’re probably starting to realise, this is a stark choice and, as they wisely council, you should:
“Have a really good think before deciding. This is one of the most important decisions (and if you choose B, possibly the last) you’ll ever make”.
Which is nice.
Unless you choose demon fighting.
Then probably not so much.
Unless the “demons” you need to slay are Sociology or Psychology exams! (I’m guessing you probably saw what I did there?). In which case, as they expertly advise, choose “Option A: Learn your stuff, pass your exams and have a happy and prosperous future”.
The alternative, in case you’re still weighing-up those life-choices, is “Option B: Don’t bother with exams, find a demon portal and spend your few remaining hours battling the beasts of the underworld until one of them kills you in a hideous and painful way”.
Either way, the choice is yours…
And if you want my advice – it’s broadly free, although it may come with an unspecified range of strings and caveats – choose the Exam Door.
Behind it you’ll find a solid and generally useful set of tips and tricks you can employ by way of preparing yourself for the stresses and strains of exams.
And while a few of the tips are tongue-in-cheek – sleeping with your notes under your pillow will not magically transfer their contents to your brain – and peppered with puffs (of the non-dragon variety) for CGP Revision Books – I think you’ll find them helpful.
Obviously. Or I wouldn’t have bothered posting them.

You could too if you make the wrong choice…
Should you decide, for the purpose of slaying whatever demons haunt your personal psyche, to choose Option B, fighting your way to the end (of the page) should reveal a simple allegorical message about “demons” and “exams”.
Unless I’ve read too much into it.
In which case.
Good Luck.
* In the interests of full disclosure, I have no relationship, financial or otherwise, with CGP Books, their friends, relations, competitors or sworn mortal enemies. I may have once idly leafed through one of their books, but that’s about the extent of our so-called relationship.