Psychology OER PowerPoints

As with their Sociology counterpart, Lumen Learning also supply a range of Psychology PowerPoint Presentations to support their (free) online Psychology course and complement the equally-free Openstax Introduction to Psychology Textbook. If you’re not familiar with this particualr text it’s an example of a growing field called OER (Open Educational Resources). These are resources created […]

Sociology OER PowerPoints

If you’re interested in free textbooks – of either the Sociology or Psychology variety – you may well have come across the Openstax Introduction to Sociology textbook published by Lumen Learning. And if you haven’t Openstax is an example of a growing field in education called OER (Open Educational Resources). These are resources created by […]

PowerPoint: The ABC of Investigating

This spin-off from the burgeoning Sociological Detectives Universe™ is a vehicle by which you can simply and not-a-little-secretly introduce a soupcon of Study Skills into what we’re contractually obliged to call “The Student eXperience” (sic). In other words this PowerPoint Presentation is a slightly different way to encourage your students to take information you provide […]

Origins of Sociology: PowerPoint

This new PowerPoint Presentation introduces students to some (okay, 9) of Sociology’s founders, from the Big Three of Marx, Durkheim and Weber to lesser-known, but equally important in their own way, names such as Harriet Martineau and William Du Bois. And while Sociology Specifications in the UK no-longer feature discrete sections on the Founders of […]

Creating Curious Presentations: the medium is not the message

Added a short Update to the original “Curiosity” Post relating to how this can encourage students to create better memories.

Evaluating Crime Reduction Strategies 1. Prison Dog-training

Short PowerPoint Presentation that outlines and evaluates Dog-Training Programs in Prison as a way of reducing reoffending.

Classic Studies: The Strange Situation

Updated Powerpoint outlining the methodology of Ainsworth’s “Strange Situtaion”.

Social Inequality Smoothies: The Presentation

To complement the Social Inequality Smoothies blog post I thought it might be helpful to create an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation for those who like to take a more-visual approach to these things. It’s a very simple Point-and-Click Presentation (you Point at a picture, Click it and get some basic information) that covers most of your glass-related favourites (I might […]

Theory Summaries

I was going to tack this on to one or other of my previous Knowledge Organiser posts but then thought better of it because it’s more a classroom presentation than an Organiser per se. Originally a 2019 PowerPoint Presentation by Colette Cradock (I’m assuming – that’s what the metadata says but whether she is the […]

Student Standby’s: Transferable Concepts and Transgressive Thinking

The idea of a Student Standby can be best-expressed as a tip, trick or technique that can be used to generate ideas and information quickly and efficiently, particularly but not exclusively in time-pressured situations such as an exam. One such Standby I’ve posted about previously is the transferrable concept – a key idea students can […]