The Media and Moral Panics: 3 Short Films
These films developed out of a range of interviews we did with a number of leading academics on the topic of the media and moral panics, one of which subsequently became the film “The Cannibal on Bus 1170 (Rethinking Moral Panics)” featuring the Canadian academic Heidi Rimke: More-generally, a key theme coming from many of […]
Routine Activities Flipbook
A few months ago (around 6 to be precise) I did a blog post suggesting how you might want to evaluate a Routine Activities approach to crime. Then I left well alone and went away – not literally because we were well into the Covid lockdown by then – and did a load of other […]
ShortCuts to Sociology: free film collection
For reasons that need not detain us here I was looking at the various free films we’ve published over the past few years and thought it might be useful to gather them all together in a single post. This would enable anyone who’s interested in using them with their students – particularly, but not exclusively, […]
More GCSE Sociology PLC’s
Following from the original GCSE Sociology Personal Learning Checklist post I’ve found a few more PLC’s for different exam boards. These are a combination of teacher-created PLCs and what appear to be some professionally-created efforts. Most follow the familiar “RAG” (Red, Amber, Green) format, or simple variations thereof, but I’ve included a few for the […]
Methods of (Gender) Socialisation: Knowledge Organiser
While putting together the Agencies of Socialisation PowerPoint I came across a related document – a kind of proto-knowledge organiser, circa 2002 – that I must have once worked-on and then, for whatever reason, abandoned. In basic terms, the document can be used to organise ideas about, in this instance, gender socialisation (it could probably […]
Agencies of Socialisation
Another day, another PowerPoint Presentation. And this time its “All About The Agencies” The Presentation identifies a range of primary and secondary socialising agencies (family, peers, education, workplace, media and religion to be precise) and provides some simple information / examples for each in five categories: Behaviour Roles Norms Values Sanctions. If this sounds a […]
Sociology Flipbooks: Free Textbook Previews
So. Here’s the thing. I like to occasionally root around on Pinterest – mainly, it must be said, when I’m pretending to do “research” in order to avoid doing any actual work – because it’s a good source of interesting ideas and practices. Like stuff I’ve shared in the past, such as structure strips […]
Sociology Flipbooks
A Flipbook is a way of displaying a pdf document online so that it has the look-and-feel of a paper-based magazine, one whose pages you can turn using a mouse (desktop) or finger (mobile). That’s it, really. I could talk about stuff like whether this creates a greater sense of engagement among students than the […]
(Knife) Crime, Deviance, Media and Methods
“Knife Crime” as you’re probably aware, is increasingly in the news, particularly, but not exclusively, in London (because, quite frankly and a little rhetorically, is there anywhere else of any great significance in England?). And while there are Definitely | Maybe | Probably (please delete as inapplicable) all kinds of reliability issues surrounding what counts as […]
Understanding Media and Culture: Free Textbook
Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication (to give it its full title) is a textbook, released under a Creative Commons licence by the University of Minnesota, that’s free to read, copy and share – which makes it especially useful for schools / colleges or students on a tight budget. Under this particular […]