Sociology OER PowerPoints

If you’re interested in free textbooks – of either the Sociology or Psychology variety – you may well have come across the Openstax Introduction to Sociology textbook published by Lumen Learning. And if you haven’t Openstax is an example of a growing field in education called OER (Open Educational Resources). These are resources created by […]

Explanations for Crime and Deviance: 4. Feminism

A short overview of Feminist perspectives on crime and deviance combining a bit of text with quite a lot of video. Feminist approaches are many and varied, but all, to varying extents, focus on women as both offenders and victims — partly as a response to what Sharp (2006) suggests has been the male bias […]

Different for Girls?

Short film examining gender issues in the use of public space.

Mass Media: Old and New

A range of PowerPoint Presentations focused on new and old forms of Mass Media, including globalisation and the digital social world.

Q and A: Does the Gender of the Teacher Matter?

The Question A popular (as in “a lot of people seem to believe it“) and recurring question around the “failing boys” discourse in education across many western societies (from Britain to America and Australia) is whether a lack of male role models, particularly in early-years education, is to blame. The Answer Supplied by Carrington, Francis, […]

More Gaps to Mind…

If you’ve read the recent Mind the Gap blog post you might be thinking: “That’s all very well and good but what would be really useful is a Pdf version of the post that’s been designed in the style of the recent Sociology Shortcuts Magazine Issue 3 with all kinds of pictures and stuff or, […]

Sociology Through Active Learning

It’s been a while since I last posted any orphaned texts and Sociology Through Active Learning is one I’ve been meaning to post for some time but haven’t managed to get around to it until now. Broadly, it’s a text designed to provide teachers with a range of activities to use with their students, both […]

Revision Mapping Mass Media

While the recently-posted Research Methods Revision Maps have a certain timeless and transcendental quality(?) when it comes to being reasonably up-to-date and applicable to a wide range of sociology specifications, the same probably can’t be said of this batch of Media Revision Maps. They were created for the AQA Spec around about the time my […]

GCSE Subject Choices: Class, Gender and Ethnicity

In an English context, most research into subject choice tends to focus on both post-compulsory education and gender for reasons that should be readily apparent: Firstly, post-16 (A-level) education tends to offer a wider and largely-unrestricted set of choices about which subjects to study, so student choice is much easier for researchers to identify and […]

Mapping Gender Identities

The classical sociological distinction between “biological sex” and “cultural gender” is based on the idea of a more-or-less fixed binary biological classification (“male” and “female”) and a more-or-less fluid set of cultural characteristics (“masculinities” and “femininities”) that are, to some extent, associated with, or expressive of, these biological categories. In other words, classical concepts of […]