Crime Trends and Patterns in England and Wales

A short set of Notes looking at crime trends and patterns in England and Wales over the past 50-odd years. While students don’t require a detailed factual knowledge of trends and patterns they do provide a useful introduction to the next set of Notes covering theoretical explanations for crime and deviance. One reason for measuring […]

Defining and Measuring Crime

Some Notes that have been hanging around on my hard drive doing nothing useful that I’ve finally got around to posting. There are plenty more where these came from but whether or not I’ll ever get around to digging them out is anyone’s guess. Defining Crime and Deviance Deviance ‘To deviate’ means ‘to stray from […]

Video Learning: GCSE Sociology

A complete Sociology GCSE course consisting of around 100, 15 minute, video lessons with accompanying worksheets.

A Mythology of Mass Killers

Our latest short film looks at the mythologies around the issue of mass killers.

Evaluating Crime Reduction Strategies 2. Scared Straight

PowerPoint Presentation that evaluates the “Scared Straight” crime reduction strategy.

Evaluating Crime Reduction Strategies 1. Prison Dog-training

Short PowerPoint Presentation that outlines and evaluates Dog-Training Programs in Prison as a way of reducing reoffending.

Crime Prevention Strategies: Plain Language Summaries

Although keeping up-to-date with the latest research is something that should happen in an ideal world, the reality is that few of us have either the time or inclination to: a. Find and read a whole bunch of often-obscure research publications. b. Summarise this meta-analysis in a pithy, student-friendly, way. c. Present the information so […]

Geographical Profiling Applied: The M25 Rapist

Continuing the recent Crime and Criminology vibe with our films (if you’re interested in Geographic Profiling you might also be interested in it’s better-known counterpart Offender Profiling), this companion-piece to Introducing Geographical Offender Profiling complements the original film by using the example of Antoni Imiela, the man the media dubbed the M25 Rapist because the […]

Crime in England and Wales: March 2022

While the latest set of Official Crime Statistics covering England and Wales come with what should, by now, be the familiar methodological qualifications concerning both their reliability – or, more pertinently perhaps, their unreliability – and validity, they are nevertheless useful as general indicators of crime patterns. As such, they’re worth perusing if you have […]

Methods in Context: Crime in England and Wales

Keeping abreast of the various statistical sources and data on crime can be both time-consuming and somewhat confusing for teachers and students – both in terms of the volume of data and the reliability and validity of different data sources. For these reasons the Office for National Statistics statistical bulletin is a brilliant resource for […]