Podcasts with Pictures: Learning Academy
Another in the “Podcasts with Pictures” series designed to bring to your attention video materials you or your students might find useful. In this instance
Another in the “Podcasts with Pictures” series designed to bring to your attention video materials you or your students might find useful. In this instance
A range of weekly podcasts focused on aspects of A-level and GCSE sociology teaching.
This series of monthly podcasts from the London School of Economics (and Political Science) “asks intelligent questions about economics, politics or society” of, mostly, LSE
Educational podcasting – both with and without pictures – has become increasingly popular over the past few years as the wider availability of computer audio
I stumbled across Ben Hewitson’s Sociology Podcasts via his Allsociology Instagram page – the latter’s well worth a look for the free Revision Card Thingies
Alexandra Sugden’s YouTube Channel contains a load of online lectures, for both GCSE and A-level, covering areas like crime and deviance, education, sociological theory, research
This is a set of podcasts, plus associated supporting material (such as PowerPoint Presentations that summarise key ideas and throw-in a few student activities for
For some reason I keep stumbling across teacher-created YouTube accounts and the latest I’ve tripped-over is from Esher Sociology – a Channel that currently consists
If you’re looking for video resources for online teaching or flipped learning (or possibly even a combination of the two) Alexandra Sugden’s YouTube Channel is
Audiopi are currently offering teachers and students free access to their GCSE and A-level podcasts until 1st October 2020. After that it will cost around