Sociology Revision Booklets: 4. Crime and Deviance

As you might expect, given its status as one of the most-popular a-level sociology options, when it comes to revision resources for crime and deviance

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More GCSE Sociology Revision Stuff

While it’s possible to put-together a very reasonable – and reasonably comprehensive – set of revision resources from stuff that teachers have put on the

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GCSE Revision Booklets

As with A-level Sociology, I’ve previously posted some links to GCSE Revision Guides and Resources over the past year or so, since when I seem

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A-Level Revision Booklets: 1. Beliefs in Society

On the basis that you can’t have too many revision booklets (although, thinking about it, you probably can) I thought I’d post a few more

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More A-level Sociology PLC’s

Another set of Personal Learning Checklists with which to welcome in the
New Year.

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Spaced Repetition

The 8th film in our Dynamic Learning Series designed to introduce students to a range of important ideas and skills related to the science of studying. The series

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Podcasts with Pictures: Learning Academy

Another in the “Podcasts with Pictures” series designed to bring to your attention video materials you or your students might find useful. In this instance

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Collections 4 | Introductory Sociology

The 4th set of Collections covers Introductory Sociology stuff such as culture, identity, socialisation and perspectives.

Although, when all’s-said-and-done it’s just a handy list of posts overing blog material from the past 10 years it’s quite nice to have it all in one place.

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Creating Curious Presentations: the medium is not the message

Added a short Update to the original “Curiosity” Post relating to how this can encourage students to create better memories.

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Give One, Get One

A simple teaching strategy to structure an extended peice of writing in sociology or psychology.

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