Secularisation: The Decline of Religion?

Secularisation theory – the idea that as societies modernise they become less-religious in outlook and governance – is not only a key component in the Sociology of Religion, it’s also a relatively complex set of ideas with which students need to get to grips when presenting a coherent evaluative argument around the topic in an […]

Sociology Revision Blasts

Having girded my loins, as you do, for this set of Tutur2U GCSE and A-level Revision videos I was quite prepared to be met with a series of “worthy-but-a-little-dull” screencasts that used a “Podcasts with Pictures” format to talk students through a range of sociological topics. In other words, someone talking over and around a […]

Sociology Texts: Another Big Bundle of Free

One of the things we like to do on this blog is discover and post orphaned sociology textbooks – as in texts published sometime this century that have either gone out of print or been superseded by later, bigger, more-colourful, All-Singing-All-Dancing versions – for the benefit of teachers and students in these straitened economic times. […]

Hate crime

In the UK, hate crime is defined by the criminal justice system in terms of 5 broad categories: race or ethnicity religion or beliefs sexual orientation disability transgender identity. and police recorded hate crime statistics are released annually by the Home Office. While these are an important and useful source of information for students and […]

Podcasts with Pictures: Esher Sociology

For some reason I keep stumbling across teacher-created YouTube accounts and the latest I’ve tripped-over is from Esher Sociology – a Channel that currently consists of 50+ films posted over the past 4 years, although the last was 7 months ago. Whether this represents a final roll of the dice or just a (summer-long) hiatus, […]

More Podcasts with Pictures: Ms Sugden’s Online Classroom

If you’re looking for video resources for online teaching or flipped learning (or possibly even a combination of the two) Alexandra Sugden’s YouTube Channel is worth checking-out if you’re teaching any or all of the following: Crime and Deviance Research Methods Theory Education Religion and Beliefs The Channel’s aimed at the AQA Spec. but some, […]

SHS Sociology Resources

Padlet, in case you don’t know it, is a file-sharing site that lets you organise files into Boards, the contents of which can then be shared with anyone who happens to want them. You can upload all kinds of files (such as documents or videos), or link to files on other web sites. It’s a […]

Sociological Dinner Parties

This general lesson plan, created by Molly Scott and delivered in the form of a simple PowerPoint Presentation, requires students to imagine they’re organising and hosting a dinner party to which, in this particular instance, a range of sociologists of religion have been invited. To this end you can either use the ready-made guest list […]

Types of New Age (Religious) Movement

A previous post looked at New Age Religious Movements (NAMs) in terms of the idea of different “streams” – a way of broadly classifying NAMs according to the different types of transformation they promise (such as intellectual and lifestyle) the individual and / or society. This PowerPoint Presentation complements this idea by looking at a […]

New Age (Religious) Movements (NAMs)

A short – but critical – piece on New Age Religious Movements and some possible reasons for their emergence and popularity in postmodernity… Melton (2001) suggests “the term New Age refers to a wave of religious enthusiasm that emerged in the 1970s” which, for Cowan (2003), have two defining characteristics: 1. NAMs represent new ways […]