Sex and Gender: A Short Film

If you’re into flipped teaching (or even if you’re not) and want a relatively short (around 15-minute) video-introduction to sex and gender this Ted-Talk on “Understanding the Complexities of Gender” by Sam Killermann should fit the bill for a couple of reasons: Firstly, it introduces a wide range of gender-related concepts and issues, including: • […]
Sociology and You: A Free Textbook

This American High School textbook just scrapes into the “published in the 21st century” criterion I set myself for finding free, out-of-print sociology texts, but I’ve included it because although it’s obviously a little dated – at least in terms of content if not necessarily design – Sociology and You (2001) was probably one of […]
Culture and Identity PowerPoints

To complement the Culture and Identity Revision booklets I’ve assembled a range of PowerPoint Presentations from a variety of sources including some nice little presentations put together by the OCR Exam Board (with accompanying Instruction and Activity booklets). While the Presentations are probably more-suited to integration into an Introductory Sociology / Culture and Identity teaching session […]
Sociology Revision Booklets: 6. Culture and Identity

Somewhat surprisingly, at least to me, there seems to be a positive dearth of Culture and Identity related revision material, at least of the Word / Pdf variety (PowerPoint users seem much better served). Why that should be I don’t know but I have managed to find a few resources you and your students might […]
Raised Without Gender
Culture and Identity is an important part of the a-level sociology specification for a number of Boards and this 30-minute film might be a good way to get your students thinking about both cultural norms generally and gender / sexual identities in particular. The film looks at the idea of “gender neutrality” through the lens […]
Education PowerPoints: Part 1

Alongside the Revision Guides I seem to have collected a large number of Education PowerPoints that, while not explicitly geared towards revision, could be used in this way. Alternatively, they could just be used as part of your normal classroom teaching. The Presentations are by a mix of authors (where known) but the majority are […]
Sociology Revision PowerPoints: Crime and Deviance

The second part of the Crime and Deviance Revision series (the first, if you missed it, involves revision booklets) is devoted to a range of PowerPoint Presentations that I’ve collected from various places. Just have a look at the document properties if you want to know who created them. The quality of the Presentations is […]
Beat The Bourgeoisie: A Simulation

Long-time readers of this blog may recall that around 18 months ago I posted a series of sociology simulations, under the general title “7 Sims in 7 Days”, one of which, Cards, Cakes and Class, focused on giving students a physical taste of social inequality. However, while I like the basic ideas underpinning the sim, it […]
More Crime and Deviance Learning Tables

A few days ago I did a post on Learning Tables that noted, in passing, that although the numbering system used suggested at least 14 Tables had been created for crime and deviance, I’d only managed to find 10. After a bit of detective work (which sounds a bit mysterious and a touch glamourous until […]
Sociological Theories And Frameworks

This is a web page where you can find a bite-sized run-down of a range of: a. Sociological frameworks – from those fairly central to a-level, such as Functionalism, Feminism. Conflict theory, Critical theory and those (symbolic interaction, phenomenology) that tend to be a little more optional. b. Sociological theories – some fairly central ones, […]