Non-Experimental Methods in Psychology









Research Methods:

Non-Experimental Research Methods in Psychology combines three of our standalone films (Naturalistic Observation, Self Report Methods and Case Studies) into one complete film, designed as an introductory overview to this area of a Psychology methods course. The film includes a short introductory section and filmed links that join the three films into one continuous presentation.

Where some research questions can’t be studied easily or appropriately using experimental methods, alternative non-experimental methods have to be used. This film uses some key psychological research examples to explain, illustrate and evaluate three key types of non-experimental method:

1. Naturalistic Observation involves getting out and seeing how people actually behave in real life situations. Using several key studies, this film illustrates different naturalistic observation techniques, explains why psychologists use this method and outlines some of its strengths and the limitations.

2. Self-Report Methods, such as questionnaires and interviews, gather data directly from the participants and this film looks at some of the problems and limitations common to all self-report methods..

3. Case Study Research uses the well-known case of ‘Genie’ Wiley to illustrate the use of this method in psychology; why and how case studies are used, what they can offer researchers, their limitations and some of the ethical issues that may arise.