Maths in Psychology: Student Pack









In these 6 short films, UK psychology teacher and examiner Deb Gajic walks students through a range of classic psychological tests, showing them step-by-step how to calculate and apply:

1. Spearman’s Rho: If your students are having trouble understanding Spearman’s Rho – or you simply want to give them a concise step-by-step walk-through – this film demonstrates how to calculate and apply Spearman’s Rho using a contemporary psychological problem / hypothesis: the correlation between self and peer-rated aggression.

2. The Sign Test: This short film demonstrates how to calculate and apply the Sign Test to a contemporary psychological problem / hypothesis – the shaping of attitudes towards the death penalty.

3. Chi Square: The film walks students through how to calculate and apply Chi Square to a contemporary psychological context – Piaget’s Conservation Experiment – using the experimental hypothesis “7 year olds will be more likely to be able to conserve than 5 year olds”

4. The Mann Whitney U Test: How to calculate and apply the Mann Whitney U Test to a contemporary psychological problem / hypothesis: will males score higher on an aggression questionnaire than females

5. The Wilcoxen Signed Rank Test: How to calculate and apply the Wilcoxen Signed Ranks Test to a contemporary psychological hypothesis: “Participants will score lower on a reaction test after consuming alcohol”

6. Probability testing:In this short film Deb Gajic looks at probability – and how it can be applied in Psychology – through the concepts of:

  • statistical significance
  • Type 1 and Type 2 Errors


Each of the 6 films is also available to rent or buy individually.