Psychology ShortCuts: Offender Profiling

As with its sociological sister, ShortCuts to Psychology is a new series of free films designed to clearly and concisely illustrate key ideas and concepts across a range of topics – from family, through deviance to psychological theory and methods. The films are: short: between 30 seconds and a couple of minutes focused on definitions, explanations and […]

Beyond Genetics

“Nature or Nurture?” is a long-running debate in psychology, one heavily-influenced by developments in genetics and a rise in the popular belief that “dna is destiny”: the idea human behaviour is broadly is determined by a “good” or a “bad” roll of the genetic dice. This 3-part film, featuring contributions from Dr Nessa Carey and […]

Beyond Genetics 3: DNA Methylation

This short animation, taken from the second part of the forthcoming “Beyond Genetics” film, “Turn Me On / Turn Me Off” provides a simple visual representation of DNA Methylation.

Beyond Genetics 2: Epigenetic Tagging

This simple animation, taken from the second part of the forthcoming “Beyond Genetics” film, “Turn Me On / Turn Me Off” provides a simple visual representation of epigenetic tagging.

Beyond Genetics 1: DNA and Proteins

Our latest (August 2016) 3-part film “Beyond Genetics” shows how developments in the field of epigenetics are shedding new light on the “nature – nurture” debate and this simple animation, taken from the first part of the film “All in the Genes?” illustrates the relationship between DNA, proteins and genetic transmission.

The Nature – Nurture Debate

Woollett and Maguire’s “Acquiring ‘the Knowledge’ of London’s Layout Drives Structural Brain Changes” is a useful addition to the debate for students because it suggests brain structure is not fixed and static; on the contrary, under certain conditions (such as “The Knowledge” required to qualify as a London taxi-driver) it can be changed by “biologically […]