Visual Sociology: Macro and Micro Perspectives

Revisiting my YouTube Channel reminded me of this “oldie” (you can tell its age by the 4:3 perspective – widescreen was for those with fancy monitors) that I cobbled together from bits and pieces of film that had been left lying around. I quite like it and I think it gets the job done. I […]

NGfL Cymru: Free eBooks

Those helpful people at the Welsh (Cymru) National Grid for Learning produce a range of free sociology and psychology resources to support the WJEC / Eduqas exam board Specification. For Sociology, you might find these two Sociology texts created for the new 2015 Specification particularly useful: AS Sociology eBook A2 Sociology eBook Psychologists might also […]

False Memories

A lot of work has been done on research into memory – and, in particular, how malleable it can prove to be – since the challenge that developed in the 1990’s to the idea of “recovered memories”; traumatic memories that had apparently lain dormant in certain individuals until they were recovered through psychotherapy. Elizabeth Loftus’ […]

Exam check list: do’s and don’ts

Another checklist put together for the CIE Sociology textbook. No great revelations, but probably helpful to know. Do: Practice answering questions under exam conditions. The more you practice the better you become. Sleep on it Memory functions best when activity, such a revision, is followed by sleep; during sleep the brain consolidates learning and retention. […]

Common Exam Errors and How to Avoid Them…

This list of common exam errors (and how to avoid them) was put together for a recent CIE Sociology textbook I wrote – although most of them were actually “lost in the edit”. Be that as it may, the majority of these common exam errors are applicable to both sociology and psychology students. Exams can […]