Sociology Lesson Elements

This set of resources from the OCR Exam Board is, as you might expect, designed to support teaching and learning for their A-Level Specification. While some of the resources may fall outside the remit of other Sociology Specifications this isn’t to say that teachers of the latter won’t, with a little bit of judicious editing, […]

Global Development: The Purpose of Aid?

When looking at areas like Global Development and the “Aid vs. Trade” debate, it’s easy for students to simply assume that “Aid” involves richer nations donating money and resources to poorer nations which is then used to improve the general life and living-standards of their citizens (a sort-of “Comic Relief” version of Aid). The reality […]

Visual Media: Study Booklet

Following hard on the heels of the previous “visual media” offering comes this 18-page Pdf Study Booklet. It’s packed to the rafters with information presented in a variety of simple, visually-attractive, ways under six main headings with sub-headings as required: New Media: changes, digital optimism and pessimism Ownership and Control: trends, patterns, theories. Globalisation: cultural […]

Crime and Deviance Resources

For some reason I seem to have collected quite a lot of crime and deviance resources that are just sitting-around taking up space on my hard drive when they could be doing something useful like helping students revise or teachers plan lessons. And from this intro you’ll probably have guessed that what follows is an […]

Globalisation, Culture and Identity

A while ago I posted a piece on cultural differences illustrated by a range of adverts produced by HSBC around 10 – 15 years ago as part of a campaign to position themselves as a “global bank” that understands local cultural differences. If you want to explore some of these ideas in more detail – […]

Sociology Flipbooks

A Flipbook is a way of displaying a pdf document online so that it has the look-and-feel of a paper-based magazine, one whose pages you can turn using a mouse (desktop) or finger (mobile). That’s it, really. I could talk about stuff like whether this creates a greater sense of engagement among students than the […]

Mass Media 2 | The Ownership and Control Debate

Another set of Notes in the Mass Media series (following the initial Defining and Researching the Media set) that fell-victim to a dispute between the Publisher* who commissioned them and an Exam Board who, for reasons of personal probity shall remained unnamed**, these divide the ownership and control debate into three main sections: 1. Defining […]

Sociology Revision Cards

Back in the day, before the invention of Learning Tables / Knowledge Organisers, students had to make do with Revision Cards – lists of all the key ideas and concepts you might need to know for an exam (you’ll find a selection here if you want to take a trip back to a time before […]

Global Connections Lesson Plans

Although the focus of these lesson plans and student workbooks is on American culture it’s easy enough to substitute “America” for any other culture you want to cover… Although I can’t remember exactly where I found these resources, they seem to be linked to some sort of international educational company / program (VIF) and they’re […]

The Crime and Deviance Channel

The Crime and Deviance Channel now offers a wide range of free Text, PowerPoint, Audio and Video resources organised into 5 categories: 1. Theories 2. Social Distribution 3. Power and Control 4. Globalisation 5. Research Methods Each category contains a mix of content: • Text materials range from complete pdf chapters to a variety of […]