Dynamic Learning: The Power of Habits

The first film in our new Dynamic Learning series of Metacognition films shows students how to develop positive study habits.

PowerPoint: Defining Mass media

If, like me, you’ve always had a sneaking liking for Prezi-style Presentations you’ll probably be aware that the only way to create them was, oddly-enough, by using Prezi. Which, in the past wasn’t too much of a problem because you could just use it to create whatever you liked for free. But that was then. […]

Flipped Classroom Field Guide

If you’ve been toying with the idea of flipping – but haven’t yet decided whether or not it’s right for you – this field guide (and associated videos) might help. Flipped teaching / learning is one of those ideas that, in principle, should have some mileage for a-level teaching because of the way the course […]

Deviancy Amplification PowerPoint

Deviancy Amplification has become something of a classic example of an Interactionist approach to deviance, predominantly, but not exclusively, because of Jock Young’s seminal analysis (1971) of “The role of the police as amplifiers of deviance, negotiators of reality and translators of fantasy”. This is a little ironic given that Leslie Wilkins’ original formulation of […]

Milgram and Obedience

Psychology – and to a lesser extent Sociology – teachers and students generally need to have an understanding of both the mechanics of Milgram’s classic “obedience experiments” and their general implications. However, as recent research has argued (Social psychology textbooks ignore all modern criticisms of Milgram’s “obedience experiments”) this understanding has not necessarily been advanced […]

The Crime and Deviance Channel

The Channel is a collection of original resources – Text, PowerPoint, Audio and Video – designed to complement the teaching of crime and deviance. It’s been running since 2010 and we’ve recently decided to give it a complete redesign, partly because the old design was getting a bit long-in-the-tooth and partly because hardware and browser […]

What online learners want: An empirical study of Mooc videos

Guo et.al’s study (How Video Production Affects Student Engagement: An Empirical Study of MOOC Videos) offers some helpful insights into the use of online and classroom video materials – whether you’re creating your own videos or taking advantage of those, amateur and professional, created by others. Although you can download the complete study, if you […]